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Uncovering the Real Story of Vanar Sena! | Is Ramayan a Myth? Exploring the Truth about Monkey Warriors!

Uncovering the Real Story of Vanar Sena! | Is Ramayan a Myth? Exploring the Truth about Monkey Warriors!

The Identity of Vanaras in Ramayana – Man or Monkey?

The epic Sanskrit poems of Ramayana and Mahabharata are considered by many Hindus to be actual historical events that occurred in ancient India. However, some characters and incidents described in these ancient texts seem too fantastical to be true. 

The Identity of Vanaras in Ramayana - Man or Monkey?
Vanaras in Ramayana

This leads sceptics to claim that the Ramayana is simply a work of fiction. One such example is the vanara characters like Hanuman, Sugriva and Vali who display immense strength, magical abilities and intelligence more akin to humans. This leads to the question – Were these vanaras actually monkeys or were they human tribes living in forests?

In this blog post, we will analyze how vanaras have been depicted in the Valmiki Ramayana to understand whether they were supernatural monkeys or human forest dwellers. We will refer to specific verses from the original Valmiki text to shed light on their identity.

The word vanara itself provides a clue…

Etymological Meaning of Vanaras

The Sanskrit word vanara breaks down into two roots – van meaning forest and nara meaning human. So the literal translation refers to “humans of the forest“. However, over time, the word came to mean “monkey”. 

When we go back to the original Valmiki Ramayana and read the verses describing vanaras, it becomes clear that the human meaning was intended. In the Aranya Kanda, vanaras are defined as “those who roam the forest” rather than monkeys. 

Etymological Meaning of Vanaras
Etymological Meaning of Vanaras

There are several instances where vanaras have been described with adjectives befitting humans – the word dharmatma (righteous soul) has been used for Sugreeva, while the Kishkindha residents have been called Jan (human beings). Goddess Sita is described as vanari (female human).

So Why Were Vanaras Also Called Monkeys?

Valmiki Ramayana has also used terms like kapi (ape), plavanga (leaping monkeys) and shakha-mriga (branch animals) for vanaras. This is perhaps why they came to be understood as monkeys over time.

However, a detailed analysis reveals they were human tribes who inhabited forests rather than simians. We uncover more evidence in the next section.

Evidence of Vanaras as Humans in the Ramayana

There are several instances in Valmiki Ramayana that point to the human identity of vanaras:

1. When Sugreeva first spots Rama and Lakshmana arriving at Rishyamukh mountain, he doubts if they are spies sent by Bali. He asks Hanuman to go in his “natural form” to find out. This indicates Hanuman’s natural form was human. 

2. Hanuman is explicitly described as having visited Rama and Lakshmana in the garb of a human ascetic. His ability to take on a human form confirms the human nature of vanaras.

3. In the Yuddha Kanda, Bharata says vanaras could transform themselves into any form at will – thereby meaning they could easily assume human form. 

4. When Rama returns to Ayodhya, the Ramayana describes thousands of vanaras lining his path in human form. This conclusively proves that vanaras were human tribes.

5. Valmiki Ramayana traces the lineage of vanaras to rishis, devas and even human tribes like the Kinnaras. This shows they were an ancient tribe of humans rather than evolved apes.

The next section analyzes some common counter-arguments associating vanaras with monkeys.

Answering Common Misconceptions

Despite the textual evidence, some misconceptions persist about the vanara tribes depicted in Ramayana:

1. Hanuman possessed supernatural powers to change form – This is incorrect since all vanaras could transform into human form at will. Hanuman’s abilities were an innate trait of his tribe.

2. Only the main vanara characters were depicted as humans, other vanaras were monkeys – This argument does not hold water since Valmiki Ramayana explicitly traces the lineage of all vanaras to ancient Indian tribes and sages. 

3. The Kishkindha kanda mentioned monkeys as living in the region – This refers to simians who inhabited the area alongside the vanara tribe. But the specific lineage, description and abilities of the vanaras confirm their human identity.

4. Some vanaras had tails and looked like monkeys – The text clarifies this by stating vanaras wore clothes based on their totem animal. So they adorned themselves with monkey-like features without actually being primates.

So in summary, the characteristics, lineage, abilities and self-descriptions of vanaras prove they belonged to ancient human forest tribes rather than modern-day monkeys. Accusing Valmiki Ramayana to be fiction based on such “fantastical” occurrences is ignoring the nuanced description provided within its verses.

In the final section, we conclude with the key takeaways…

Key Takeaways on Vanaras

– The Sanskrit word vanara originated as “humans of the forest” before its meaning narrowed to monkeys

– Detailed descriptions in Valmiki Ramayana depict vanaras as an ancient tribe of humans dwelling in forests

– They possessed the ability to change form to disguise themselves as forest animals or humans

– Their lineage can be traced back to prominent forest sages and human Kinnara/Reech tribes

– Specific verses clarify they wore clothes and features resembling monkeys without actually being primate descendants 

– Rama’s forest helpers like Hanuman and Sugriva should be rightly viewed as eccentric ancient humans rather than fantastic monkeys

– Dismissing Ramayana as fiction based on such misconceptions amounts to ignoring textual evidence to the contrary

The vanara identity question ties into the debate around the historicity of Ramayana. Rather than jump to conclusions, referring to Valmiki’s own words reveals that magical monkeys may have been remarkable forest humans after all!

This concludes our myth-busting analysis of vanaras.


1. Were Hanuman and Sugriva actually monkeys in Ramayana?

No. Valmiki Ramayana contains extensive evidence showing vanaras like Hanuman and Sugrive were ancient human tribes with the ability to transform into forest animals as a disguise. Their powers, intelligence and lineage confirm they were humans.

2. What does the word vanara mean in Ramayana?

The Sanskrit roots “van” (forest) and “nara” (humans) show that vanara refers to “forest-dwelling humans”. Its meaning later narrowed incorrectly to monkeys.

3. How do we know vanaras were humans and not monkeys?

Multiple Ramayana verses describe them with human attributes like “dharmatma”. Hanuman meets Rama in human form. All vanaras traced their origin to famous Indian tribes and sages rather than monkeys.

4. Did only major vanaras like Hanuman have magical powers?

No. Ramayana clarifies all vanaras could transform their form at will between humans and forest creatures. Hanuman’s abilities were shared traits.

5. Why are there mentions of monkeys alongside vanaras?

Some simians lived alongside the human vanara tribes in forests. But Valmiki Ramayana clearly distinguishes the vanaras’ lineage, attributes and abilities as human rather than monkeys.

6. What other fantasy-sounding species are mentioned in Ramayana?

Snake-like nagas, bear-like jambhavans etc. But just like vanaras, these terms denoted ancient human tribes rather than actual snakes or bears as commonly misunderstood.

7. Does this prove Ramayana actually happened historically?

The extensive detailing and nuanced characterization of vanaras and other species lend weight to the arguments favouring Ramayana as a historical oral tradition later penned as an epic poem.

8. How can Hanuman fly if vanaras were humans?

The magical disguises and shape-shifting abilities described may offer quasi-scientific explanations for some of these feats achieved by ancient Hindu tribals.

9. Is scepticism about Ramayana justified given talking monkeys seem implausible?

No. Accurately interpreting Valmiki Ramayana’s verses to understand vanaras as ancient humans rather than equating them directly with modern simians resolves this main criticism.

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