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The Secret Society of Great Ashoka: The Nine Unknown Men

The Secret Society of Great Ashoka: The Nine Unknown Men

Have you ever heard of the secret society known as the Nine Unknown Men of Ashoka? This ancient organization, shrouded in mystery, is said to hold the key to knowledge that could change the course of history. From ancient cosmology to psychological warfare, the nine books of the secret society are believed to contain secrets of the universe that have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the world.

In this blog, titled “The Secret Society of Great Ashoka: The Nine Unknown Men,” we will delve into the secrets of the Nine Unknown Men of Ashoka, exploring their origin, the role of Emperor Ashoka, the content of the books, the potential threat of the knowledge falling into the wrong hands, the impact of the secret society on world events, the legends and evidence of their existence, and the mysterious connection between the society and Indian nuclear scientists. Join us on this journey of discovery as we unravel the secrets of the Nine Unknown Men of Ashoka and explore the influence of secret organizations like the Freemasons and Illuminati on world affairs.

Unveiling the Mystery of The Nine Unknown Men

Indian palace secret passage stock image

In the realm of secret organizations, few are as enigmatic as the Nine Unknown Men. Believed to have originated in ancient India, this secret society has captured the imagination of scholars, historians, and enthusiasts alike. But what is the secret behind their existence? What knowledge do they possess that has been kept hidden for centuries? Let us embark on a journey of discovery as we unveil the mystery of the Nine Unknown Men.

The Origin and Purpose of this Secret Society

To understand the origin and purpose of the Nine Unknown Men, we must delve into ancient Indian history. It is believed that the secret society, known as The Nine Unknown Men, was founded during the reign of Emperor Ashoka, one of the greatest rulers of the Mauryan Empire. According to historical accounts, Emperor Ashoka established The Nine Unknown Men after a devastating war, known as the Kalinga War, which left him deeply affected by the horrors of violence and bloodshed.

Motivated by a desire to protect knowledge and prevent its misuse, the emperor handpicked nine men, each a master of a specific field, to form the secret club, The Nine Unknown Men. The purpose of the society was to preserve knowledge, explore unknown realms, ensure the progress of humanity, and safeguard the secrets of the secret club. If a member were to pass away fall ill or be unable to continue for any other reason a deserving individual would be selected as their replacement. This way the society would continue its operations smoothly with a number of nine members, at all times.

The Role of Emperor Ashoka in its Formation

Emperor Ashoka’s role in the formation and expansion of the Maurya empire and the secret society, known as the Nine Unknown Men, cannot be understated. As a ruler, the great Mauryan emperor Ashoka had a profound impact on ancient Indian civilization, spreading the teachings of Buddhism, promoting social welfare, and fostering the growth of knowledge. It is believed that his experiences during the Kalinga War led him to establish the secret society of the Nine Unknown Men, which aimed to safeguard ancient wisdom and prevent its abuse.

The secret society, founded by Emperor Ashoka in 270 BC, was a testament to Ashoka’s belief in the power of knowledge and the potential dangers of its misuse. The Nine Unknown Men were formed around 273 BC, during the reign of Emperor Ashoka, to preserve and protect valuable knowledge for the benefit of future generations. Legends say that Ashoka’s empire, known as the Maurya empire, was the greatest of all the empires in terms of land, army, finance, education, trade, and quality of life. They also claimed that Pope Silvester II had met the Nine Unknown and that nineteenth-century French colonial administrator and writer Louis Jacolliot insisted on their existence.

The Nine Books: A Gateway to Unfathomable Knowledge

Nine mysterious old books with secret symbols

The secret knowledge of the Nine Unknown Men is said to be encapsulated within nine books, each containing knowledge of a specific subject. These books, shrouded in secrecy, are believed to hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. From the secrets of gravity to the curative properties of the Ganges, the knowledge contained within these books has the potential to reshape our understanding of the world. Let us delve into the content of these ancient texts, seeking a glimpse into the unknown knowledge that lies within.

An Insight into the Content of the Books

The nine books of The Secret Society cover a wide range of topics, spanning cosmology, psychology, microbiology, physiology, and more. They are rumoured to contain ancient secrets of space travel, gravity manipulation, psychological warfare, and even the curative properties of the Ganges. These books offer insights into ancient knowledge that could revolutionize our understanding of the world. The secrets contained within have the power to reshape scientific, philosophical, and spiritual paradigms, illuminating new paths of exploration and discovery.

The Potential Threat of This Knowledge Falling into the Wrong Hands

While the knowledge contained within the nine books has the potential to bring about great advancements, it also poses a significant threat if it falls into the wrong hands. The secrets of the Nine Unknown Men, in the hands of those with malicious intentions, could be used to manipulate, deceive, and even wreak havoc on the world. The potential consequences of the knowledge being misused or exploited are immense, underscoring the need for the secret society to protect the ancient wisdom from falling into the wrong hands.

The Impact of the Secret Society on World Events

Nine mysterious people influencing history flowchart

The secret society of the Nine Unknown Men is not merely an ancient relic of the past. Its influence is believed to have shaped world events, both ancient and modern, in profound ways. From social and political scenarios to economic and scientific developments, the secret society’s impact on the world cannot be underestimated. Let us explore the secret society’s influence on the course of history, examining its role in shaping social, political, economic, and scientific landscapes throughout the ages.

Influence on Social and Political Scenarios

Throughout history, secret societies have exerted a significant influence on social and political dynamics. With their knowledge of ancient wisdom, the Nine Unknown Men are rumoured to have played a secret but pivotal role in shaping societal structures, power dynamics, and political scenarios. Their knowledge of psychological warfare, mass influence, and covert operations is said to have influenced the rise and fall of empires, the outcomes of wars, and the dynamics of civilizations.

Contribution to Economic and Scientific Development

The secret knowledge of the Nine Unknown Men is not limited to social and political spheres. It is believed that the ancient society has made significant contributions to economic and scientific developments throughout the ages. Their knowledge of ancient economic systems, trade, commerce, and technological innovation is rumoured to have played a vital role in the progress of ancient civilizations. Furthermore, the secret society’s understanding of ancient sciences, cosmology, and the mysteries of the universe has the potential to revolutionize modern scientific paradigms, offering new insights and avenues of exploration.

The Legends and Evidences of Their Existence

Ancient drawings depicting Nine Unknown Men legends

The existence of the Nine Unknown Men has been the subject of legends, myths, and literary works throughout history. From ancient texts like the Mahabharata to modern books, the secret society has left its mark on the collective imagination of humanity. Let us explore the references to the Nine Unknown Men in literary works, the mysterious phenomena attributed to the secret society, and the evidence that supports the existence of this ancient organization.

In popular culture, the “Nine Unknown” have since been the subject of several novels, such as Shadow Tyrants by Clive Cussler and Boyd Morrison, The Mahabharata Secret by Christopher C. Doyle, Finders, Keepers by Sapan Saxena, and the Nine novel trilogy by Shobha Nihalani. In the 1969 edition of Anton LaVeys’ Satanic Bible, The Nine Unknown were the individuals mentioned in the dedication section. The “Nine Unknown” have since been the subject of several novels set in different locations, including New York, which further adds to the intrigue and mystery surrounding this secret society.

References in Literary Works

The secrets of the Nine Unknown Men have captivated the minds of writers, poets, and storytellers throughout history. References to the secret society can be found in ancient texts, ancient Indian folklore, and even modern literary works. These references add to the mystique and allure of the secret knowledge, perpetuating the intrigue surrounding the ancient organization.

The Mysterious Phenomena Attributed to the Society

The Nine Unknown Men are associated with mysterious phenomena that defy conventional explanations. From ancient vimana (flying machines) to unexplained occurrences, these phenomena have been attributed to the secret society. The society’s alleged involvement in enigmatic events has sparked widespread interest, fueling speculation about their extraordinary abilities and knowledge of ancient secrets.

Unraveling the Secrets within the Books

Nine Unknown Men unveiling cosmic secrets

The secrets contained within the nine books of the secret society are shrouded in mystery, waiting to be unravelled. From theories of space travel and gravity manipulation to the power of influencing the masses, the knowledge within these books is said to be transformative. Let us delve deeper into the secrets, theories, and revelations that lie within the ancient texts, seeking to uncover the unknown knowledge of the Nine Unknown Men.

Theories and Revelations about Space Travel and Gravitation

The nine books of the secret society are rumoured to contain ancient knowledge of space travel and the secrets of gravity. Theories, speculations, and revelations regarding these topics have fascinated scientists, theorists, and researchers alike. From the secrets of interstellar travel to the manipulation of gravity, the ancient knowledge of the Nine Unknown Men has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe, opening new frontiers of exploration and discovery.

It is also worth noting that when some of the books were discovered in Tibet, where India was unwilling to take anti-gravitational studies seriously, China announced that the texts would be utilized for research concerning the force of anti-gravity. China’s interest in anti-gravitational research shows the global significance of this ancient knowledge.

The Power of Influencing the Mass: A Hidden Knowledge

One of the secrets attributed to the Nine Unknown Men is their knowledge of the power of influencing the masses covertly. The ancient society is believed to possess esoteric knowledge of psychological warfare, mass influence, and the manipulation of human behaviour. This hidden knowledge, if true, holds the potential to reshape our understanding of social dynamics, propaganda, and the power of persuasion.

Curative Properties of the Ganges: A Secret Unveiled

Another secret attributed to the Nine Unknown Men is their knowledge of the curative properties of the Ganges, one of the holiest rivers in India. The ancient society is believed to hold secret knowledge of the river’s healing properties, unveiling a closely guarded secret that has eluded the world for centuries. If the ancient knowledge is indeed true, it could shed new light on the mysteries of nature and the potential of ancient remedies.

The Mysterious Connection between the Society and Indian Nuclear Scientists

Connection between ancient Indian science and modern nuclear physics formulas

The Nine Unknown Men are said to have a mysterious connection to Indian nuclear scientists, shrouded in secrecy. Speculations, theories, and conjectures abound regarding the nature of this connection and the influence the secret society may have had on the development of nuclear technology. The secrets of the ancient society, if intertwined with the secrets of the atomic world, could reveal new insights into the possibilities and dangers of nuclear energy.

Is the Society still Active?

Whether the Nine Unknown Men are still active continues to intrigue scholars, historians, and enthusiasts. Speculations, theories, and rumours surround the present-day status of the secret society, with some claiming that the ancient knowledge has been passed down through the ages, while others believe the society may have disbanded or evolved into new forms. The secret of the Nine Unknown Men shrouded in the mists of time, continues to captivate the imagination of those seeking the truth.

What knowledge did the Nine Unknown possess?

The Nine Unknown were believed to possess nine secret books of knowledge that covered a range of topics such as the power of gravity, the art of invisibility, the secrets of time travel, and the science of energy manipulation. Their purpose was to safeguard this knowledge from falling into the wrong hands.

Who were the Nine Unknown?

The Nine Unknown was a secret society of nine unknown men who held the knowledge of nine special books containing the secrets of the universe. Each book covered a different area of knowledge, ranging from the technology of anti-gravity to the power of mind control.


The Secret Society of Great Ashoka: The Nine Unknown Men has intrigued and fascinated people for centuries. This secret society said to have been formed by Emperor Ashoka, holds immense power and knowledge that could potentially change the course of history. The nine books written by the members of the society are believed to contain secrets related to space travel, gravitation, curative properties of the Ganges, and much more.

While the existence of this society is shrouded in mystery, there are references in literary works and legends that hint at its presence. The impact of society on world events, from social and political scenarios to economic and scientific developments, cannot be ignored.

However, the question remains: is the society still active? The truth may never be fully revealed, but the influence and potential threat of this secret society continue to capture the imagination of many.

If you want to delve deeper into the history, check out more blogs in the series CLICK HERE


Q: How many members were there originally in the Nine Unknown Men?

A: There were nine original members, with each member a master of a specific field of knowledge.

Q: What modern-day books reference the Nine Unknown Men?

A: Some modern literary works that reference the Nine Unknown Men include The Mahabharata Secret by Christopher C. Doyle, Finders Keepers by Sapan Saxena, and the Nine novel trilogy by Shobha Nihalani.

Q: What happened when a member of the Nine Unknown Men died or could no longer serve?

A: When a member died, fell ill or could not serve for any reason, a replacement would be selected – a deserving individual who would continue the work so there were always nine members.

Q: What evidence exists that the Nine Unknown Men existed?

A: Some evidence includes references in ancient texts like the Mahabharata, mentions in works by authors like Louis Jacolliot, and mysterious phenomena over history attributed to their knowledge and capabilities.

Q: What is the story of the 9 Unknown Men?

A: It is a legendary secret society formed in 270 BC by Emperor Ashoka to preserve powerful knowledge in 9 books, passing it down to avoid misuse.

Q: Is The Ancient Nine Based on a true story?

A: While ancient texts mention Ashoka forming groups to protect wisdom, the details of 9 specific men with 9 specific books were likely embellished over time. However, the core idea bears some historical merit.