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Ancient INDIAN TECHNOLOGY which is extinct today|Ancient Technology The World Has Lost

Ancient INDIAN TECHNOLOGY which is extinct today|Ancient Technology The World Has Lost
Ancient Indian Technology
Ancient Indian Technology
Vimana flying machine technical diagram and Sanskrit labels
Beam of light shooting out from the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza
Ancient Indian technology
Replica model of the ancient Antikythera Mechanism analog computer
Replica model of the ancient Antikythera Mechanism analog computer
Timeline infographic of scientific and technological innovations through ancient and modern eras globally

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What was ancient India’s technology?

Based on many texts and anomalies, there is some controversial evidence implying ancient India mastered advanced technology like rudimentary electricity, flight, and nuclear energy many centuries ahead of their emergence in the modern era. Most academics remain sceptical about the lack of mainstream physical proof. However, the possibilities continue to intrigue researchers.

Which technology was first developed in India?

Officially, India pioneered metallurgy, complex mathematics, meditation, organized cities, and intricate philosophy systems predating Europe’s Enlightenment era. Unofficially, scattered evidence suggests concepts like aviation, astronomy, optical sciences and alchemy emerged out of India thousands of years before their accepted histories. But substantiation of advanced ancient technology in India remains inconclusive.

How advanced was ancient India?

Ancient India showed advanced urban planning, medicine, philosophy, linguistics and intuitive sciences on par with any global civilization comparable to its time. Controversial texts indicate additional sequestered knowledge around theoretical physics, cognitive enhancements, anti-gravity and genetics existing amongst India’s historical elite that mainstream archaeology has yet to prove.

What items did ancient India invent?

Historical Indian inventions include cotton-spinning devices, meta instruments, distilled alcohol, rudimentary make-up, surgical devices like forceps and scalpels, and solid number systems with concepts of zero, pi and the mathematical constant e, ahead of similar developments worldwide. More extreme theories involve nuclear warheads, guided missile weaponry, self-powering generators and mercury-fueled spacecraft – none yet conclusively evidenced.

Why are we only now discovering ancient Indian technology?

A tacit acknowledgement of advanced ideas exists encoded in Indian poetry and medieval Hindu temple artwork referencing machines, vehicle diagrams and electronics. However, colonialism suppressed the open study of achievements deemed inconsistent with language translations and imported historical assumptions of primitive Oriental cultures, creating today’s knowledge gaps that new archaeological techniques aim to close.

Did ancient India have nukes?

While traces of radiation found at Mohenjo Daro ruin sites point to a nuclear-type event ending the Indus Valley civilization, counter explanations around naturally occurring isotopes provide plausible alternatives to nuclear weapons. Clear proof of radioactive materials isolation and weaponization does not surface in ancient India. But Dwarka ruins also showcase vitrified stone resembling postwar atomic blast zones, further muddying the origins of this nuclear event theory.

What kind of technology did aeroplanes have in ancient India?

Sanskrit epics describe over 100 varieties of piloted aircraft called vimanas outfitted with advanced features including manipulation of time-space, stealth cloaking devices, heat-seeking missiles, mercury plasma engines and solar energy absorbers. However, testing functional models using available construction specifications has not delivered any flying prototypes exhibiting these capabilities to date. The only authentic ancient aeroplanes thus far discovered belong to the early paper kite and parachute variety rather than jet propulsion vimanas.